About this workshop
This half-day workshop will cover several topics:
Topic 1: Deep learning and neuroimaging
Topic 2: Neuroimaging and brain stimulation
Topic 3: Quantitative analysis of imaging data
Topic 4: Brain stimulation and neuroengineering
Topic 5: Personalized neuroimaging biomarkers
Meet the organizers
Does this workshop look interesting to you?
Feel free to join us !

Dr. LU Hanna
Organizer & Keynote Speaker
Dr. Lu is a Research Assistant Professor and Core Member of the Neuromodulation Lab at the Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Please explore The Brain X for more information.

Prof. ZHANG Zhiguo
Co-organizer & Keynote Speaker
Prof. Zhang is with the School of Biomedical Engineering, Health Science Center, Shenzhen University. For more information, please visit the Laboratory of Medical Informatics & Neural Dynamics (MIND LAB).
Submit your study for oral presentation on 2021 IJCNN
Please submit your abstract to us for competing the slots for presenting your research on the world-class conference of AI and neuroengineering and fighting for the opportunities to join in the international scientific community: [email protected].